Our Classes Schedule
All our classes are taught in English, and will suit people of all fitness levels, our underlying principle being that training should be made available to all. If you would like to receive all classes updates, join our WhatsApp group (WhatsApp Fred to be added).
We make sure that our teaching preserve as much of the spirit of the classes taught in Japan by Sōke Hatsumi and the community of Dai Shihans as possible. For that purpose, we organize regular training trips to Japan, to ensure minimum deviation from the original method of teaching. Our instructors have trained under the best Bujinkan Masters in the world, each bringing their unique blend of practices from many regions where this art has matured (including Japan, South America, Europe, Asia and Australia). We also organize regular seminars with other Dōjōs of UAE, giving our students fantastic learning opportunities in the country.
In addition to our weekly class schedule, we are organizing advanced classes focusing on one of the nine Ryūha. These classes will happen twice a month and will be announced on our WhatsApp group (WhatsApp Fred to be added).
Dōjō Etiquette
A Bujinkan practitioner should follow a specific etiquette, even outside of the Dōjō. First of all, prior to leaving for the Dōjō, make sure that your body and your training gear are all clean and free of odors. Having clean cut fingernails is a must, and use of deodorant is always a good idea. Your keikogi should also have no dirt marks on it or anything that could rub off onto the tatami mats.
If you are not ready to invest into an adequate training uniform when you begin your journey into Bujinkan, you will be expected to wear at minima black sweatpants, black socks, and a black t-shirt when attending classes in our Dōjō.
Upon arriving at the Dōjō, be sure to bow before stepping through the entrance. Immediately upon entering, remove your shoes and place your shoes farthest away from the Kamidana (shrine or altar) as possible. From here, you can change and then follow the same rules for your bags as you did for your shoes. Put them as far from the Kamidana as possible. Class fees and attendance capture are performed before the class, prior to entering the tatami mats.
After you are changed into your training gear, bow before stepping onto the tatami mats. It is not necessary to bow again every time you step off of them (although some do). But as you cross over the threshold for the first time, stop, pause, bow, pause again, then walk into the Dōjō. At that moment, you are leaving the outside world behind you, and getting into training mode.
At the end of the training, stop and bow before leaving the tatami mats. Take a moment to reflect on the fact that you came out of there safely, and are about to go back out into the real world.
After you have paid and changed out of your gi, get your shoes on and bow while standing inside the threshold of the entrance to the Dōjō facing inside before stepping backwards out of the Dōjō.
In Japan, it is customary to wait for the teacher to leave in what is called Miokuri. This is perhaps the most ignored bit of etiquette in Japan as even younger Japanese practitioners often do not do it. If the teacher is driving, you should stand back and bow as their car goes past and wait until the car is out of sight before moving from your position.
Bowing in before Class
The Dōjō Rei (greetings) form a very important part of our tradition. The Teacher goes into Seiza no Kamae, and the students line up, facing him, in the same kamae, highest ranks on the right. The Teacher turns back and everyone put their hands in gasshō (hands joined in front of the chest). The Teacher says Shikin Haramitsu Dai Ko Myo ("In every event, there is a lesson"), and the students repeat this mantra. Everyone clap their hands twice; bow down towards the kamidana; clap their hands once and bow down again. The Teacher then faces his students, and the Senpai (the most senior student) says Rei! ("Greet!"), and everyone bows. Students say Onegaishimasu ("Please, teach us"), to which the Teacher replies Ikimassho ("Let's go"). The Teacher then stands up, and the Senpai says Kiritsu! ("Stand up!") before everyone stands up.
During Training
Always be aware of your surroundings. If the teacher is demonstrating something and you are on the inner circle(s) of people watching, kneel down or sit in Seiza no Kamae so that others can see. If a teacher calls you to be Uke, bow to them both before moving from your position after being called and also after you have received the technique before returning to your spot in the crowd. It is also EXTREMELY important that you do not walk out to receive a technique without the teacher directly calling you. If you are unsure if the teacher called you, do not move until you are sure they are looking at you and perhaps ask again.
Before beginning to train with a partner, bow to them and say Onegaishimasu. Try to refrain from teaching to your training partner during training unless they ask for feedback. It is not your class, and you are there to learn: The teacher is the one leading the class. Also, do not be overly rigid or resistant if your partner does not seem to be at the level to handle it. Everyone is there to learn and lessons can be frustrating enough without added frustration from a difficult partner. Adjust your role as Uke according to your partner's skill. Even experienced practitioners need to get a feel for the technique and how it is supposed to work before upping the resistance level.
After a technique has finished, bow to your partner again and say Domo Arigato Gozaimasu.
Bowing in after Class
On exiting the Dōjō, the ritual is very similar to the starting of a class. The Teacher goes back into Seiza no Kamae, and the students line up, facing him, in the same kamae, highest ranks on the right. The Teacher turns back and everyone put their hands in gasshō. The Teacher says Shikin Haramitsu Dai Ko Myo, and the students repeat this mantra. Everyone clap their hands twice; bow down to the kamidana; clap their hands once; and bow down again. The Teacher then faces his students, and the Senpai says Rei!, and everyone bows. Students say Domo Arigato Gozaimashita ("Thank you for your teaching"), to which the Teacher replies Gokuro Sama Deshita ("You're welcome"). The Teacher then stands up, and the Senpai says Kiritsu! before everyone stands up.